Original Article Vitamin D receptor genetic polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk: a Meta-analysis of 36 published studies
Ming Yin, Sheng Wei, Qingyi Wei
Departments of Epidemiology, The University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX77030, USA.
Received May 21, 2009; accepted June , 2009; available online June , 2009
Abstract: To update data on the role of vitamin D receptor single nucleotide polymorphisms in susceptibility to prostate cancer, we performed a meta-analysis on the association of TaqI, ApaI, BsmI, FokI and CDX2 SNPs with prostate cancer risks, using 37 eligible publications. Our study suggested that the TaqI t allele and BsmI B allele were associated with reduced prostate cancer risk among all study populations. Stratified analysis by ethnicity revealed that the ApaI a allele was associated with reduced prostate cancer risk among Asian populations, whereas the FokI f allele showed a trend of increased prostate cancer risk among Caucasian populations in a dominant mode, independent of tumor stage (local or advanced). These results suggest that VDR polymorphisms may be potential biomarkers for prostate cancer susceptibility. (IJCEM905005).
Address all correspondence to: Qingyi Wei, MD, PhD Department of Epidemiology The University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 1365 Houston, TX77030, USA Tel: 713-792-3020; Fax: 713-563-0999 Email: qwei@mdanderson.org