IJCEM Copyright © 2008-All rights reserved. Published by e-Century Publishing Corporation, Madison, WI 53711
Int J Clin Exp Med 2013;6(1):84-85

Case Report
Long-term survival after a massive left ventricular infarction evidenced by FDG-PET
and leaving intact only the septal wall

Mélanie Bousquenaud, Daniel R Wagner, Fathia Maskali, Pierre-Yves Marie, Yvan Devaux

Laboratory of Cardiovascular Research, Centre de Recherche Public-Santé, Luxembourg; Division of Cardiology, Centre Hospitalier,
Luxembourg; Nancyclotep experimental imaging platform, CHU-Nancy and Lorraine University, Nancy, F-54000 France; INSERM, U961,
Nancy, F-54000 France

Received July 16, 2012; Accepted October 3, 2012; Epub November 18, 2012; Published January 1, 2013

Abstract: There is evidence that survival remains possible for infarction greater than 50% of the left ventricle in human, as well as in the
rat infarct model. To our knowledge, survival has not been documented for infarctions involving the anterior, inferior and lateral wall
leaving intact only the septal wall. An adult rat underwent a ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. ECG-triggered
18F-ffluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography revealed that 72% of the left ventricle was necrotic and totally akinetic.
Although the left ventricular ejection fraction was severely impaired (9%), this rat survived and was asymptomatic after 2 months. The
exact reasons for this incredible survival are still unclear. (IJCEM1207008).

Keywords: Myocardial infarction, FDG-PET, survival

Address all correspondence to:
Dr. Yvan Devaux
Laboratory of Cardiovascular Research
Centre de Recherche Public Santé.
Tel: +352 26970300; Fax: +352 26970396
E-mail: yvan.devaux@crp-sante.lu